Sunday 3 March 2013

DAY 35: Timeline

My wife had the entire family working on a cupboard ‘detox’ this weekend.  It was one of those insipid moments when the home seemed too small to accommodate the three of us.  And so began an eventful day of teamwork, as we all worked effectively to reach a similar goal. 
There were moments when our detoxification process mirrored an ant colony – every worker immersed in their own domain – completing streams of garbage bags as unnecessary clutter met the fate of the refuse bin.  But there were moments when the colony exploded into destructive arguments, predominantly when exhaustion began to surface.
Needless to say, the day proved to be beneficial for all of us – a small sense of pride awakening as we observed our corner with items designated for the local charity.   It’s unfortunate that we spend most of our lives purchasing things that eventually make their way to a concealed box, temporarily forgotten; an unforgivable amount of money that could be put to better use.
After an intense workout, and our home finally breathing again, I resorted to the couch, engrossed within a box of photographic memories.  I was on an impressive timeline, travelling to the past – recalling faces, moments, emotions…  My journey took me to my childhood, and the family’s annual trip to the coast; a collection of past girlfriends, forgotten loved ones, intimate messages and wild teenage experiences. 
But my timeline exposed an unfortunate inconsistency: weight.  As I persevered through my pile of snapshots, my body revealed itself as an inflatable balloon, working ignorantly throughout the years to reach its maximum capacity.  And the physical evidence lay before me as I tried to attach my cumber band (from my graduating school dance) as it battled to work its way around my ballooning waist.
I mentioned yesterday that Monday was going to be the ultimate challenge as I immersed myself into the second round of my diet.  Fully armed, I enter this new stage with a timeline of visual aids, and a cumber band that is determined to fit.

Weight for me tomorrow. Paul
Paul Lambis is the author of “Where is Home?” – A journey of hilarious contrasts.  For more information on Paul Lambis, and to order his book online, visit

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