Saturday 2 March 2013

DAY 34: Recovery

I spent the first part of my morning, lying flat on my bed, recovering from a food hangover.  My stomach was reenacting the part of Mount Kilimanjaro, as I was trying effortlessly to see the rest of my body. 
It was a wonderful night at my mom’s house; dad blowing out his candles as the grandchildren sang his birthday praise in chorus.  My mother was reprising her famous Julia Child role as the soiree of desserts absorbed most of the dining room table. I started out with the glacé strawberries, impersonating my social eating skills in the presence of my family.  After all, strawberries drenched in syrup are a much healthier option as opposed to chocolate coated birthday cake?
I took a deep breath as I attempted my exit from the bed; my mind was spinning as I reached for the bathroom door, hoping to eradicate the damage from the night before.  My wife continued to stare – unimpressed by my childish behaviour as she pushed a glass of water and two antacid tablets towards me.
“Your stomach’s not used to it,” she demanded.
After a month of intense dieting, my cravings had finally entered another category; the same group as the restricted foods.  A wave of self-pity overpowered the room, as I reached for my comfort zone and reclined for the rest of the morning. 
It was foolish behavior; and now my family had to endure the cost of a walking zombie, mumbling feverishly as I wandered around the house.  My son voiced his concern to his mother as I overheard their whispering in the background.  Despite the odd chuckle, I observed his fear of losing his father to obesity.  I suddenly realised that my son’s childhood could easily be affected if I selfishly decided to submit to my cravings.
I will never surrender.  I must not succumb to the temptation of selfishness.  I will enforce a stricter regime in order to ensure a healthier and fruitful life; I owe it to myself and my family.  Here’s to a second chance and a healthier beginning…
Weight for me tomorrow. Paul
Paul Lambis is the author of “Where is Home?” – A journey of hilarious contrasts.  For more information on Paul Lambis, and to order his book online,

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