Saturday 16 February 2013

DAY 20: The Kardashians

The entire family spent the day at home, plagued by an unpredicted virus.  After a quick visit to the pharmacy, and enough antibiotics to see us through the next few days, we resorted to separate rooms – ensuring that the infuriating spell of the flu would not circulate within the household – boomeranging.

My son retreated to his own bedroom, earphones strapped tightly against his ears – listening to the latest reverberating sounds.  My wife opted for our room, engrossed within the latest fashion magazine, and I resorted to the couch – allowing my anomalous figure to submerge itself within its comforts.
Remote in one hand, the entertainment centre of our home would become my domain for the entire afternoon.

Snuggled under a dreamy blanket, I pursued a line-up of award-winning films: Argo, Django Unchained and my personal favourite, Notting Hill.  As my afternoon transformed into a diminishing light, I prepared a healthy, bland meal for the family – hoping to boost their weakened energy levels. 
My son returned with a paper constructed aeroplane, encouraging me to create the same as we spent the next thirty minutes observing which of the two aircrafts could be thrown the farthest.

We had a good laugh, collapsing simultaneously on the couch as we both interrupted our childlike joy with a challenging cough.  I reached for the remote and landed on the promiscuous Kardashians.
My son giggled vociferously as he noticed my disapproval.  I changed the channel quickly, stumbling upon another episode of Kourtney and Kim Taking Miami.
“Weren’t they ‘taking New York’?” I asked my son.
He continued to laugh, commenting about the Kardashians in a language I was unfamiliar with.  It appeared that at least three channels were airing this horrendous family with their tacky voices and their cloned black hair. 

Has the world really subjected themselves to these shallow degenerates?  Do the Kardashians have a fan base that follows them, and even worse, praises them as ‘examples’ in our society?  I am appalled. 
One might suggest I change the channel; after all, it’s a free world.  But the truth remains in the ratings which suggest The Kardashians is a popular primetime television show. 
“Congratulations Kris, you’ve managed to ‘pimp’ your daughters for financial gain.  With absolute no talent, your overrated family has worked its way into our home.”

Reality TV.  Admittedly, I am not a fan of the phenomenon.  I believe it’s time we reverted to the classics, and looked at the epics as examples for our children.  Perhaps we could try and recapture that conservativeness that our grandparents were famously known for?
I’m officially declaring war against The Kardashians.  Five minutes into their show, and I needed a new dose of antibiotics.

Change the channel please…

Weight for me tomorrow. Paul

Paul Lambis is the author of “Where is Home?” – A journey of hilarious contrasts.  For more information on Paul Lambis, and to order his book online,

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