Wednesday 15 May 2013

DAY 107: The Truth about Exercise

Dr. Michael Mosley has created a series of PBS specials analysing recent scientific findings regarding health. His most recent documentary titled “The Truth about Exercise” exposed some intriguing findings that are not common knowledge even among health and medical professionals. One of the findings in particular illuminated the advantages of health products like the TrekDesk Treadmill Desk.

Three core discoveries were detailed in the show.
First, one size does not fit all when it comes to exercise. In fact there are genetic variations that explain why some individuals never seem to outwardly benefit from a strict exercise regimen while others seem to benefit from much less. Individuals non-responsive to exercise have hope however which was offered in the following two truths.

Second truth: three 20 second bursts of extreme cardiovascular exercise three times a week may be all most individuals need to lower levels of blood lipids, glucose and cholesterol while increasing aerobic capacity. While this seems contrary to every exercise tip ever read in a health magazine it has to be taken in context with the third truth listed below to be effective.

Truth number three: overall health and longevity is dependent upon continually daily movement. As long as one stays moving throughout the day their body and mind have a much greater opportunity to remain healthy. The challenge is finding opportunities and strategies that can keep an ever growing sedentary population in motion.
“A very small percentage of Americans exercise on a regular basis citing lack of time and motivation,” stated Steve Bordley, CEO of TrekDesk Treadmill Desk. “As long as we keep our bodies moving and stay out of chairs the amount of additional intense exercise needed to maintain health is actually quite small regardless of current weight or age. These findings should encourage many who have given up on exercise entirely out of frustration or boredom.”

Designed to fit any existing treadmill, TrekDesk treadmill desk is an affordable, full sized, height adjustable workstation that allows individuals the opportunity to gain the necessary amount of daily exercise to lose weight, maintain health, reduce stress, prevent disease, strengthen muscles, boost mood and productivity, without requiring additional time during the day or extra motivation.

To learn more about “The Truth about Exercise”:

Weight for me tomorrow. Paul

Paul Lambis is the author of “Where is Home?” – A journey of hilarious contrasts. 
For more information on Paul Lambis, and to order his book online,

1 comment:

  1. how many kilos have you lost until now?
