Tuesday 29 January 2013

DAY 2: Carrots and Celery Sticks

I turned on the television this morning, hoping to find some inspirational story: before and after shots of someone who had lost a significant amount of weight.  My present mood is yearning for reassurance – someone, somewhere who is experiencing the same emotions or symptoms of dieting.
The channel had been preset from the night before – my wife’s preference – her world of high street fashion and designers who make absolute no sense when describing their reasoning behind a green vomit-coloured top combined with a rust-orange pencil skirt.

The voices re-emerged, reminding me that three people remain trapped within my body. One of them was crying for fried eggs and bacon on toast, the second, somewhat quieter, recalling last night’s dinner of bland carrots and boiled chicken - nothing like the bucket of KFC we had last week. 
The third voice was screaming, urging me to attack the television remote and send the 'carrots and celery sticks' (who were modelling down the fashion ramp) to everlasting divine punishment.

Why was I so aggressive?  Why was I compelled to attack people who, after all, looked after their physical wellbeing? Was I jealous?  Perhaps I was, but the truth remained that I hated carrots and celery sticks, and I would rather munch on a salami stick, packed with enough protein to keep the three people trapped within me at bay.

My work colleague continues to wear pink – her signature colour.  She constantly reminds me of that dreamy strawberry milkshake, but my senses today are adding cream and marshmallow topping.  I was almost tempted to stop at the local bakery to satisfy my urge of a warm cinnamon bun, but reality caught my attention when I saw my reflection in the store window.  Those three people trapped within me made their presence known as my silhouette stretched across the store name printed on the window.

Three hours before lunch and it’s time for my coffee break.  My Starbucks flask is on standby to support me, and hopefully these hours will pass by like tasty chicken wings, drizzled in honey mustard sauce. There's Greek yoghurt with chicken kebab on the menu today.  Hopefully, there's no carrot or celery in the salad…

Weight for me tomorrow. Paul

Paul Lambis is the author of “Where is Home?” – A journey of hilarious contrasts.  
For more information on Paul Lambis, and to order his book online, visit www.paul-lambis.com


  1. i know these feelings and experiences oh so well........ i started my diet last week -- or should i say i started my cutting down on the amounts of rubbish i am putting in my mouth.so i am with you all the way on this....,today will also be a good day for me to start again properly.

    Brian Webbe

  2. Hysterical!! Mind you going through the same myself at present!! Keep the faith Mr Charalambous! :-)

    Hannie Lay

  3. Hilarious!!! I'm in the same boat!

    Mandy Christodoulou

    1. Thanks Mandy. Are you one of the voices I keep hearing? xxx

  4. Wishing you all the will-power in the world! :)

    Sarah 'Sully'

  5. Hysterical!!!!!!!

    Marialena Kalyva Dragazi
